Astro Index: A Comprehensive User Activity and Qualification Score

The Astro Index is a sophisticated scoring system designed to provide a holistic view of a user's engagement and activity within the TON ecosystem, particularly through their interactions on Telegram. This index serves as a critical metric for evaluating users' contributions, credibility, and qualifications in the Web3 space. Below is a detailed breakdown of the components and potential features of the Astro Index:

Telegram Activity Score (TAS)

  • Message Frequency: Measures how often a user sends messages on Telegram, indicating their level of activity.

  • Engagement Rate: Analyzes the user's participation in group discussions, including replies, mentions, and reactions.

  • Group Diversity: Evaluates the variety of groups the user is active in, highlighting engagement across different communities.

Behavioral Trajectory Analysis (BTA)

  • Content Quality: Assesses the relevance and value of the user's messages based on keywords and sentiment analysis.

  • Interaction Quality: Evaluates the user's interactions, such as the depth of conversations and the quality of responses received.

  • Longevity and Consistency: Tracks the user's activity over time to measure sustained engagement and consistency.

TON Ecosystem Engagement (TEE)

  • dApp Usage: Measures the frequency and diversity of decentralized applications used by the user within the TON ecosystem.

  • Transaction Volume: Analyzes the number and volume of transactions conducted by the user, indicating their economic activity.

  • Event Participation: Tracks attendance and participation in TON-related events, such as AMAs, webinars, and community meetups.

Web3 Qualifications (W3Q)

  • Skill Development: Evaluates the user’s involvement in educational programs, workshops, and certifications related to Web3 and blockchain technologies.

  • Content Contribution: Measures contributions to TON-related content creation, such as blog posts, tutorials, and videos.

  • Innovation and Development: Assesses the user's involvement in developing or contributing to projects and initiatives within the TON ecosystem.